Managing Director of Marine Group of Companies, Aasim Siddiqui is a thorough professional, preferring a structured approach to life. He graduated from Clarke University, Massachusetts and now works for the family business, founded by his father in 1964. He recently initiated a policy research institute, by the name of Manzil Pakistan that has been involved in developing focused studies and publishing research papers on Governance, Law and Justice, Economy, Education, Media and Civil Society.

During the years between 2002 and 2007, Pakistan saw unprecedented economic growth in terms of infrastructure, businesses and trade. The biggest problem for Mr. Siddiqui at that time was the lack of human capital stemming mainly as a result of low literacy rate. This was when he realized that the rural areas also have a role to play in the development of the country and that we should be giving them opportunities to live up to their full potential.

For the next five years, he worked on poverty and education in the rural areas of Pakistan until coming to the realization that all his efforts would never be able to compare to the government machinery. Hence in order to increase his impact, he gained an inside on the decision making process of policies and framework that affect the public at large.

In 2010, Mr. Siddiqui initiated Organization for Social Development Initiatives (OSDI), an NGO which is focusing on poverty alleviation through sustainable development in the rural areas of Pakistan. Over the years, OSDI has successfully uplifted many families and improved their lives through various initiatives taken by the organization including:

  • Over 3,800 students enrolled through different educational programs
  • More than 25,000 beneficiaries reached and catered through various healthcare projects
  • 1,463 families provided with kitchen gardening assistance
  • 1,716 agricultural beneficiaries financed for 5847.85 acres of land
  • 86 students facilitated for vocational skill development training program
  • 263 households assisted with livestock worth Rs. 15.55 million
  • Rs. 1 Million donated to provide milk and snacks to the students in Data Nagar

Aasim Siddiqui believes that a society cannot progress unless everybody moves along at the same pace. It is not a race where people compete against each other; rather everyone has to reach the finish line together for the country to win. It is the duty and responsibility of the people in the lead to pull others up, to motivate them and to help them, only then will the nation thrive.

– Mehreen Qayam